Frequently Asked Questions


+ What if i'm not flexible enough?

It is a myth that you need to be flexible for yoga. Yoga is about uniting the body and mind by connecting to your breath, the physical practice is a small part in supporting us to build this connection. At YogaEarthLove you will be supported to practice postures that support your body, and develop a relationship with yourself to be able to modify when needed and or extend if safe to do so.

+ Cancelation policy

All services have a no refund policy if cancelling within 24hrs of your booking. For extreme emergencies/illness please make contact to negotiate on an individual needs basis.

+ Can I put my pass on hold?

Passes are to be used in consecutive weeks. Please make contact directly to discuss individual needs if need be.

+ What do I wear to a Zenthai shiatsu massage or yoga massage session?

Comfortable yoga/activewear. Clothing that you can stretch and move comfortably in.

+ What is a meridian?

Meridians are from Traditional Chinese Medicine and lines of energy in the body that relate to particular organs and elements. For example, your liver and gallbladder are paired organs, related to the wood element and both have a line of energy in the body that can be worked to help support the balancing of this particular energy eg: If you feel angry, working the Liver and Gallbladder lines of energy can support the release of this emotion in a health way, rather than a harsh reactive way.

+ Is there Parking available?

A YogaEarthLove is a small home business, it's important we support the local neighborhood with mindful parking. Parking is free, and i do ask that unless you are parked out the front of the studio/house, please park away from the medium strip in the street. This will allow smooth flow of traffic and keep my lovely neighbours happy.

+ Can I bring my kids to yoga?

I am more than happy to chat with you about this. It really depends on age and whether your kids want to come along. I am open to negotiating and supporting you and your kids to practice yoga.

+ What if I can’t afford to purchase a service. Is there concession options?

I am more than happy to discuss individual’s needs, and support attending classes either through offering a concession rate and or bartering of services.