To create a space that allows you to connect to your own innate knowing, the natural rhythm of your breath, intuitive movement and the opportunity to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer support you.

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Kate Robinson

My Values…

Love is all there is... I truly believe when we allow for some quiet spaciousness in our worlds, when we quieten the mind enough to be able to listen a little more deeply to our inner knowing, to the earth, we are able to connect with the source of all nourishment...

Love, and the heart's intelligence (Prajna) beams and lights up our worlds and those around us. When we see disconnections, fear, and hate playing out whether it is our own worlds or on a large scale globally, I believe it is coming from a disconnected heart. There is a divine spark of love that resides within us all...

Our challenge is to slow down enough, be gentle with ourselves to be able to listen to the calling of our hearts desires. Our time on the mat can support us in the arena of life… Where the real practice takes place…

’Gentle is the new advanced’ - Gwynn Williams

Notice time and attention to your breath, your heart and the beautiful natural world around us... and you may just notice the easing of the mind and a beautiful settling from within...

If YogaEarthLove doesn't resonate with you, I can, if you’d like, support you to find a practice, passion or anohter activity that will sooth your soul.

At YogaEarthLove you'll be supported to find what brings you joy and ease in your world…


Through our practice…

We can each create a sense of belonging that comes from within...

& ultimately this will connect us all as a whole, to each other and the natural world around us.

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 My Story

Yoga may have come and gone from my world over the years but it’s always felt like coming home…

When I went to my first yoga class when I was 18, that’s exactly how I felt. After my first class I felt a calling to embody this practice and the seed was planted to become a yoga teacher.

However, being young and having just moved to the city from the country… As much as I felt this calling to bring yoga into my world, I became very distracted by external influences and my path deviated down a dark rabbit hole of checking out, numbing myself and self-medicating an undiagnosed mental health condition, anxiety.

After many years of therapy, being the best mum I could be for my beautiful son Jaspa, working full-time in various roles, and only practising yoga occasionally. I finally gave my heart to yoga in 2012 and fell in love all over again.

For the first time in my life I felt I was able to slow down enough to be able to listen to my heart's calling, my dharma (purpose), this evolved into completing my teacher training, and slowly YogaEarthLove started to grow/bloom.

I completed my teacher training in 2014 with Vitality Teacher Training Academy, this led to Yin teacher training with Jen Cresnezo, Zenthai Yoga training with Sally Meredith, Vinyasa training with Vanessa Rudge and ZenThai flow training with Qwyn Williams.

All of these learnings have melded together my own intuitive heartfelt offerings...

Yoga, movement-based therapy, massages and aromatherapy.

- Kate x


Meet the…

YogaEarthLove Team

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Kate Robinson is a qualified Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist who loves to share all things movement, touch and healing. Kate is the founder of YogaEarthLove.



Belinda Currie, is a qualified Kahuna and ZenThai Shiatsu massage therapist. Belinda shares a loving, warm and nourishing touch to your Yoga Massage experience.



Maggie is a qualified Ayurvedic massage therapist, a beautiful gentle soul, with a joy filled heart.  Maggie will share with you her gentle healing hands.



Helen is dedicated to helping people connect with the innate wisdom of their own body. Helen aims to move stress, suffering and/or survival into a state of creation, ease and possibility.

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